Tuesday, February 8, 2011

There is Good Luck in my Future

So according to the Chinese, or ancient chinese tradition (or really my chinese uncle lol) if you get to touch a white tiger in your life you are supposed to have good luck! Well... guess what I got to do! Definitely something that I will most likely never get to experience again in my life. I got to hold a baby white tiger! I know, amazing right!

So here is the story behind the tiger. My neighbor is a vet, and apparently a few weeks ago a white tiger was being transferred somewhere and when they were unloading the tiger from the cart, they saw the little (well little in respect to a tiger) fur balls in the corner. The poor cubs were barely alive, they had been neglected the entire trip - the mother basically gave birth to them, shoved them in a corner and abandoned them! So since my neighbor is also a large animal vet, he go to revive her and take care of her for the next three weeks until she is old enough to be transferred to Missouri where a zoo paid $40,000 for the cub. According to wha I have been told there are only about 1100 left in the entire WORLD, and it just so happens that my family lives next door so we were invited to come see her! You don't even know what kind of experience it was to hold this cub, and she was so sleepy she didn't even want to stay awake during all of the commotion around her. I have a couple of pictures with me holding her but my mother has them on her phone so I wasn't able to post them, but I promise I will post them.

Anyways, that's the only major thing that has happened in my life the past couple of days. I have soo much hw to do but I thought I would be true to my word and post something since it has been a couple of days. See you guys soon! Hopefully something else a little more interesting in my life occurs within the next 48 hours! lol


1 comment:

  1. omg sooo jealous! That is amazing! PS u should update your background soon on cutestblogontheblock.com! Then that annoying message will go away
